“Maureen is to comedy what James Brown was to soul.” —Jerry Stiller

Daughter of a Garbageman is a tale of Maureen Langan’s 1970’s upbringing in New Jersey in which her Irish mother and Bronx-born father, a retired New York City sanitation worker, told her to work hard, get educated, and life would reward her. So, why then is America rewarding reality stars? The San Francisco Examiner hails Daughter of a Garbageman as a “onewoman tour-de-force… Maureen has something to say about family relationships, self-acceptance and American culture and is willing to be completely honest without sacrificing her killer sense of humor.”
Maureen Langan will perform her solo show, Daughter of a Garbageman, two nights only on Nantucket in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street on Sunday, August 6 and Monday, August 7. Tickets are on sale at 508-228-4305 or at theatreworkshop.com/events/daughter-of-a-garbageman