An all-star slate of luminaries who personify creativity and passion will come to your home this July when Alessandra Branca, Meg Braff, Richard Keith Langham, Young Huh, and Ellen Fisher are the featured speakers for 2020’s Nantucket by Design.
The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) is excited to announce the reformulation of its major summer fundraiser, Nantucket by Design into a virtual event from July 30 to August 1, 2020.
In its fifth year, Nantucket by Design celebrates the island’s unique influence on American Design. Now open to a global audience, this year’s phenomenon brings together the world’s top talent in interior design and will offer curated lectures, discussion panels, house tours, an in-depth look into the NHA archives, and the imaginative work of New York School of Interior Design (NYSID) students as they bring modern day life into NHA historical properties. Participants will enjoy virtual private dinners, a Night at the Museum virtual dance party, and The Nantucket Summer Antiques Show all through live-streaming platforms. Most importantly, this year’s event will deliver an exclusive Nantucket experience no matter where you may be, and provide the vital funding for the NHA to continue its steadfast commitment to steward and preserve the heritage of Nantucket.
“We are so looking forward to celebrating the special place that Nantucket holds for all of us with the unique programs we have developed for this year,” says Chair Kelly Williams. “Our beautiful island provides solace and comfort in so many ways, and so, it is appropriate that we had chosen the theme of ‘Sanctuary’ for this year’s Nantucket by Design, well before we had any inkling of what was to come. Like so many other organizations, we are working hard to develop an engaging and inspiring event series while, at the same time, keeping safety paramount.”

Nantucket by Design begins with a highly anticipated event of the summer, the Design Luncheon, featuring one of the most talented names in design, Alessandra Branca. In addition to her thriving design career, Alessandra is an accomplished businesswoman, entrepreneur, and author. Her work has been featured repeatedly in magazines and she has been recognized within the industry with awards from House Beautiful Master Class and “Designer of the Year” from the Merchandise Mart.
The NHA will partner with The Nantucket Summer Antiques Show, celebrating its 30-year tradition of managing fine antique shows on Nantucket. A virtual preview party is chaired by Maureen and Edward Bousa and celebrates longtime supporter and accomplished designer Kathleen Hay as honorary chair.
Nantucket by Design continues with a virtual Design Panel, which brings together outstanding design talent, moderated by editor-in-chief of Veranda magazine Steele Marcoux. The line-up of distinguished design panelists includes Meg Braff, Young Huh, and Richard Keith Langham. The Design Panel is followed by All-Star Designer Private Dinners, providing guests with the unique opportunity to dine virtually with renowned design luminaries. Chaired by Gary McBournie and William Richards.
The NHA is proud to once again partner with the New York School of Interior of Design. Ellen Fisher, NYSID Dean and VP for Academic Affairs, designed a university- level course that provides students with a show-house experience that reimagines several of the NHA’s historic properties. Student renderings will be on display during Nantucket by Design.
Fisher will also deliver a morning presentation on the history of design on Nantucket in the twentieth century. This lecture will provide continuing Education credit for both interior designers and architects on Saturday, August 1.
The three-day online extravaganza concludes with a virtual Night at the Museum during which guests will celebrate via a live virtual dance party. Chaired by Marla Sanford and Elizabeth Georgantas and honoring Phoebe and Bobby Tudor.
The NHA’s mission is to preserve and interpret the history of Nantucket through its programs, collections, and properties, in order to promote the island’s significance and foster an appreciation of it among all audiences. Your participation in Nantucket by Design helps them continue their work.