Founded in 1930 by artist Maud Stumm, Nantucket’s Sidewalk Art Show is the oldest in the nation. Originally held for a few days in August, it was open to professionals and amateurs alike. “This is a very special year for AAN as we celebrate our seventieth anniversary and we are proud to be part of such a historic and popular island tradition. It predates the Artists Association by fifteen years,” said Cecil Barron Jensen, AAN Executive Director.
“In 1960 the AAN assumed responsibility of the event, and it has morphed into one of our signature offerings and is a wonderfully relaxed opportunity to meet AAN artists and purchase their work,” said Robert Frazier, curator of exhibitions.
“Throughout the years it has remained a special show, and is a wonderful way to meet some of the island’s most popular artists who have taken the time to display their work in the Atheneum garden. Each artist is delighted to discuss their work, and their joy of being an artist on Nantucket is evident in every conversation they have with visitors,” added Jensen.