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Maria Mitchell Association’s Winter Science Speaker Series Presents Emmy Gagne

Maria Mitchell Speaker

Maria Mitchell Speaker

Each winter, former interns rejoin the Maria Mitchell Association to discuss their fascinating research and the projects they have been involved with since their time on Nantucket. Topics include astronomy, natural history collections, marine science research, and more. All presentations take place on alternating Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 pm and are free via Zoom.

Next up on Wednesday, March 23 is Emmy Gagne, a former MMA Natural Science Intern from 2018. Her talk, “Increasing Scientific Capacity Through Workshopping: Delivering Educational Material to International Participants” will discuss the importance of delivering bioinformatics workshops to participants in Madagascar and will review methods that can be utilized to deliver educational material to international participants.

Gagne is a third-year PhD student studying Ecology at Pennsylvania State University. She is broadly interested in both evolutionary biology and biology education research at the college level. While receiving her B.S. degree in Biology from the University of Maine, she was a natural science intern at the Maria Mitchell Association. She is very passionate about science outreach, and she hopes to pursue a job as a full-time instructor or science educator after she graduates with her PhD.

Future Winter Science Speaker Series presenters include: Julia Blyth, MMA Natural Science Intern, 2010 and 2011 and current MMA Natural Science Collections Manager (April 6) and Meg Lysaght Thacher, NSF-REU Astronomy Intern, 1986 (April 20).

Register here for the March 23 event.

View the full Winter Science Speaker Series schedule and watch the recordings from past talks on the Maria Mitchell Association website.

The MMA’s Science Speaker Series is made possible by the sponsorship support of our Lead Sponsor, Bank of America and Supporting Sponsors: Cape Air, Cisco Brewers, The Osceola Foundation, Thirty Meter Telescope, and the White Elephant.

This series is organized by the Maria Mitchell Association, a private non-profit organization. Founded in 1902, the MMA works to preserve the legacy of Nantucket native astronomer, naturalist, librarian, and educator, Maria Mitchell. The Maria Mitchell Association operates two observatories, a natural science museum, an aquarium, a research center, and preserves the historic birthplace of Maria Mitchell. A wide variety of science and history-related programming is offered throughout the year for people of all ages.

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