Peggy Silverstein Opens at Robert Foster Fine Art
This week's exhibit at Robert Foster Fine Art,
8 India Street, features island artist Peggy
Silverstein, and will open with a reception on
Friday, September 7, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Silverstein's artistic pursuits and talents are
wide ranging, and include painting, portraiture,
sculpture, and photography, though for the past
year she has been devoting most of her time to
sculpture. She described it best herself: "It has
filled me with excitement, creativity and
resourcefulness... I am not sure exactly when I
decided to return to sculpture, and now heavily
engaged in the medium, I can not remember
why I stopped almost twenty years ago... Many
unfinished sculptures were staring at me from
corners of my studio, held in bonds of neglect.

They have
been finished and freed. I cannot
express the joy that my renewed interest
in sculpture has brought to me. The
many years of painting have been
adding to my vision as a sculptor. It has
been the most wonderful surprise to
discover that I am actually better. It
makes me feel young and invigorated."
Silverstein's show at Robert Foster
Fine Art will feature a broad range of
her sculpture as well as her paintings
and photographs inspired by a recent
trip to India. "As an artist I have been
captivated by a myriad amount of materials.
I have filled drawers and closets with intentions. I cannot describe
what it is like to open the drawers, closets and attack those intentions and
finally complete them. I have brought sculptures to life with passion and created
paintings that are intended to represent my travel sentiments.